
3 Types of Video Content Every B2B Company Needs and Why

Videos can be an excellent marketing tool to increase your brand recognition and better communicate to your target audience what your brand is all about. This form of content is so effective that 91% of businesses use videos as a marketing tool and 82% of people have bought a product or service as a result of video marketing influence. 

But the challenge for some B2B brands in starting down the video production path is identifying the right type of video for their marketing goals. This is due in part to the wide variety of videos brands can create, and getting started down the right path can be daunting. But worry not, because we have the video production experience to help brands create the right video content for their specific needs. 


Here, we’ll explore the three types of videos that brands should consider as they look to embark on their video marketing journey. 


A Brand Narrative Video

Brand narrative videos communicate what your brand is all about. That old Simon Sinek adage about consumers buying why you do what you do over what you do is true. And the why is at the center of a brand narrative video. 


The video should communicate how and why the work your company does is unique, and the ways this differentiates your brand from others. This type of video is designed to tap into the emotions of your audience, which helps to make your brand more memorable. 


For a brand narrative video, consider using footage of your employees in action, or of your facility or headquarters. You can also include footage that demonstrates your company culture or what makes your brand unique. This is where a detailed script that calls for voiceover work, a music bed, or interesting post-production work and editing can help detail your brand’s history, values, and mission. 


For example, check out how we created a brand narrative video for Industrial Pump & Equipment (IPEC).


A Product Video

Product videos take a more focused approach than brand narrative videos. This type of video centers on a specific product or service your brand is providing. It demonstrates your product or service in action and highlights the technical specs or features that make the product the perfect fit for your customer. 


Part of what makes a product video effective is establishing the kinds of challenges or difficulties your customer faces, and then demonstrating how your product can help customers overcome those challenges. 


As such, this makes product videos ideal for use in blog posts, on landing pages, and on product pages, and you can pull clips from longer product videos for use on social media — Instagram Reels can be an extremely effective platform for short-form, vertical video.  


This video we made for Renaissance Historic Roofing is a good example of how a product video should detail the solutions your product or service provides. 


A Customer Testimonial Video

Customer testimonial videos help brands create human connections with potential customers, and they also provide social proof for the effectiveness and legitimacy of your product or service. 


These videos often feature interviews with current customers that detail how they found your brand, the problem they were looking to solve, and how your brand helped them overcome their challenges to unlock new or unexpected business growth. 


Part of the trick with customer testimonial videos is the prepwork involved, especially in crafting questions that your customers feel comfortable and well-equipped to answer on-camera. Some sample questions in a successful customer testimonial script include: 

  • Why did you decide to partner with us?
  • What problems or challenges were you looking to solve?
  • How do we differ from the competition?  

These questions allow the subject of the interview to authentically and honestly provide their opinion of your brand in a way that may connect with potential customers or employees. Video testimonials can offer more context and are a good complement to written reviews. 


Why Video Content?

Now that we’ve reviewed some of the more common types of videos brands can use, the question becomes: Why? Why should you invest in video production and prioritize creating regular video content? 


First and foremost, video content can often open your brand to a wider audience, with 92% of online users reporting having engaged with the format. This is particularly important given the continued trend of video outperforming other types of content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. 

Plus, YouTube gives you a platform to permanently house video content, and YouTube Shorts is emerging as an exciting platform for more casual, off-the-cuff video, should your brand have the capacity to produce that style of video content.  


What’s more, video content can help supplement the other types of content that are part of your overall marketing strategy. Video can help elevate website pages, landing pages, and blog posts, and you can even integrate video with your print marketing collateral via quick response (QR) codes. Video production can also help increase the effectiveness of your paid social media strategy, as you can design LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook ads around any one of the video types we just discussed.  


High-quality video production can add an extra dimension to your content marketing strategy. At Trekk, we have the knowledge, expertise, and resources to help you create dynamic, purposeful videos to help you achieve your goals. Talk to us to learn more about the opportunities you can unlock for your brand through video content to build a stronger connection with your audience.