Breaking Into the Solar Roof Space with Digital Advertising
A clear and bold heading
When Renaissance Historic Exteriors decided to become an authorized installer of the Tesla Solar Roof, they were faced with an immediate need to get the word out about their new service offering and fill their pipeline with qualified leads.
Filling an empty pipeline
To help generate leads for Renaissance, we created a digital advertising campaign that included search ads to capture web traffic in their target area based on intent and display ads to create awareness. All ad traffic was directed to a visually impactful landing page with a simple lead capture form.
We launched the new service to Renaissance’s existing customer base with an email campaign and supported the market expansion with organic blog content and organic social media posts.
A clear and bold heading
Leveraging the HubSpot CRM, we set up marketing automation workflows to make the follow-up process simple and to help the sales team easily identify qualified prospects.
A high-converting landing page
With six months of launching their new solar roof service offering, the campaign generated over 4,000 page views and 200 form submissions — all net new leads excited to speak with the Renaissance sales team.