A Sweet Take on a Swatchbook

A clear and bold heading
This swatchbook allows printers and designers to compare the performance and results of different digital treated papers.

Flip to compare
Global paper company Sylvamo offers a range of paper options manufactured for digital presses. They wanted to make it easier for their customers to specify the best digital treated paper for their needs, so we designed a flipbook that enables print buyers to compare oranges to oranges.

A clear and bold heading
The digital flipbook features vibrant, high-definition images of fruits, and each image is used multiple times to make it easy to spot the differences.

The swatchbook as Rubik's Cube
Flip to compare brands (Accent® Opaque and Williamsburg), press compatibilities (Inkjet Treated and Indigo Treated), and Sylvamo treatment technologies (ImageLok® and Dyemond™).
There’s no right or wrong way to use it; the whole point is to be able to compare as many options as possible.

Because we were working with inkjet and Indigo treated sheets, we partnered with multiple printers to make the digital flipbook. Screen USA printed all the inkjet samples on their Truepress Jet520HD+, and all the Indigo sheets are printed on an HP® Indigo 7900. The cover was printed offset on two laminated sheets of Accent Opaque Heavyweights Smooth 120 lb. for added stiffness. We also added a spot polymer and sculptured emboss to make the cover stand out.
Alyssa Watkins
Senior Graphic Designer